Imagine a world where with the wave of a magic wand...

Your inner critic... disappears. 

Gone. Banished.

Like it was sucked up in the rapture & you were left here on Earth 🤪

What would change in your life?

How would things be different if you didn't pick yourself apart every time you looked in the mirror or stepped on the scale?

What would it be like to walk into a room wearing exactly what you want to wear... receiving nasty looks from people... and simply not giving a shit... because that inner critic isn't there to say "shit is this outfit too much?!" 

Can you imagine shutting down work at the end of the day without that voice in your head saying "you didn't do enough?" 

What about being able to eat the same foods as everyone around you without worried thoughts of overeating, bingeing, or feeling like you're "messing up?" 

What about the thoughts you have going to the gym? No more thoughts of "I'm selfish for taking time for myself. I'm a bad mom/partner/friend. I don't belong here." 😤

💪🏻How WOULD your fitness journey change?! 

if you weren't plagued with the constant barrage of thoughts of needing to be smaller, to fit in. To get fit "so that you'll finally be" accepted. 

Where would that leave you?! Why would ANYONE want to have a fitness journey if the magazines discussing celebs who "let themselves go" didn't affect us anymore? 


Juicy. MF DESIRE. 

Desire to be strong. 😈

Desire to get jacked... FOR YOURSELF (because you like the look of guns & glutes 🤪

Desire to chase after your kids. Climb mountains. Run marathons. 😘

The world runs on shame

It's the easiest way to motivate people effectively 😫

(Because we ALL desire different things... but shame... shame works on everyone)

🙄We got shamed in school for not doing our homework.
Shamed for dressing differently.
Shamed for speaking up--especially if we had the wrong answer!

Annnnd diet culture shamed us too 😤

Because the fitness industry is banking on your shame $$$

Every time shame pops into your head...

Tells you you're eating something bad. Says you need to lose 5lbs. Tells you not to wear something you like...

That's diet culture perpetuating itself through YOU...
in your own dang head 🤯

When we UNSHAME...  & when we shift to DESIRE

We actually CHANGE which part of the brain we're using.

Because shame keeps us in our fight/flight survival brain.

But you're not here to SURVIVE... you're here to thrive.

You're here to break the curse. Stop the pattern.

Because when we shift to desire we start operating from our pre-frontal cortex.

The part of our brain where self love is.

The part of our brain responsible for sticking to things + making good decisions.

And when we're no longer JUST surviving...

We have the brainpower to truly step into our power... 

Because the voice in our heads that says we're not good enough, that we're too much, that we're not worthy...

Won't be the voice running the show anymore.

Because... this whole desire thing applies beyond fitness.

Desiring to quit your job to run your business full time.

Desiring to grow your social media.

Desiring to be your authentic self in your life.

Desiring to start that passion project you've put on the back burner.

Hi... this is a fitness meets life coaching program.

Your brain is a part of your body too.

And to move out of shame, to move out of our fight/flight survival brain...

We HAVE to learn to soothe our nervous systems... by working WITH our bodies... not against it.

Let's unshame it + reprogram it & watch your fitness results SKYROCKET... along with your life.

Results for Unshaming Fitness:

✨6lbs of weight loss in 6 weeks
✨Did not lift a single weight the entire program
✨No macro tracking

"Before I would avoid bread daily and binge it on the weekends. I eat a slice of toast every morning (with whatever else I’m eating) and will have small portion of pasta or sandwich for lunch (with lots of protein) just not measuring it out. Using my hand for ref if I’m cooking at home/eating out. Not using my tracking app."

✨Mindful Weight Loss (unintentional result for many but we love it!)

✨Mindful weight maintenance (after years of macro tracking & bingeing when NOT tracking)

✨Going from hating meal prepping to loving it after using the 10:1:10 protocol

✨ Releasing binge & emotional eating behaviors effortlessly

✨Reduction in anxiety, depression, & "freezing" responses

✨More daily self love & less shaming "analysis paralysis"

✨Improved relationships & marriages (releasing shame around asking for help!)

✨Setting boundaries in relationships & at work

✨Releasing shame around trauma 

✨Rewiring the brain for self love over shame ❤️

✨Applying for DREAM JOBS & receiving job offers

✨6lbs of weight loss in 6 weeks
✨Going to the gym on her own plan
✨Unshaming eating foods she loves on occasion--ensuring her relationship with food doesn't become disordered!
"I am so excited to talk about the results I’ve seen from Unshaming Fitness with Coach Em!!

I’ve had some tangible results that are awesome. I joined the program in order to help me lose weight. I lost 3 lbs over the 6 weeks we worked together!! I am so thrilled about this because it’s more progress on my weight loss than I’ve had in months of working by myself. I’ve improved my relationships and my professional life as well. In fact, just this week I got THREE dream job offers!!!

The intangible results are really what this program excelled at for me. Emily’s 10:1:10 protocol, the guided meditations, and the teachings have helped me make huge strides in my mental health, physical health, and mindset. I have always struggled with anxiety, which bleeds over into my personal life, my professional life, and my relationships. If I had to put a number on it (I’m an accounting professional, I love putting numbers to things!), I would venture to say I’ve had at least a 50% reduction in my anxiety symptoms.

Seeing my future self in our guided meditations was hugely impactful for me. I keep going back to those visions in my head and heart, and it’s helping me become her. It helps guide me through my days, big decisions and everyday decisions. It’s so inspiring!

I’ve started morning and evening rituals, moon rituals, learned to embody my calm and powerful future self, nourish myself better, and serve my family and clients better. I’ve learned to discover and explore my magic, which is incredibly empowering.

One of the biggest unconscious things I discovered was that I discovered was that I was unconsciously associating weight loss and sickness. After a near-death experience with illness and losing 15 lbs in 2 weeks, I was unknowingly blocking myself from losing weight due to that experience. Also, I found that I didn’t believe in myself at all. My confidence in my ability to reach my goals has skyrocketed! I’ve even learned storytelling skills to reframe my experiences that cause me shame and anxiety.

The group aspect of this program was also really helpful. Emily calls it being a “witness” to each other’s story reframing and breakthroughs. It was so helpful and encouraging to go through this program with the other wonderful, inspiring ladies.
In the past, I’ve to do it on my own with no support, cobbling together different parts and pieces that I found on google or pinterest, and would get discouraged and burnt out after a short amount of time. Emily taught me the skills I need to persevere and thrive in the long-term!

If you’re thinking about this program, I would tell you to not wait one more second before signing up. It has literally improved almost every area of my life. I’m a better person for myself; I’m a better wife, mom, and friend; and I get to start a new chapter of my professional life! And yes, *I* did the work, but the support, knowledge, and empowerment from Emily and the group catapulted these changes for me!!." -Erin
"This program is for anyone who has spent their life ignoring their bodies and as a result carrying around their shame and other peoples shame. 

None of what Emily teaches and facilitates is taught by the gym bros. This program is mindful, intentional, kind and one of a kind!

The tangible results I’ve had are, weight loss! I lost 6 pounds in 6 weeks. As soon as the realizations around shame began, my behavior changed, and my body has also. 

I hated meal prepping before and now it is fun for me! Took some unshaming around meal prepping first. I have concrete tools that I know work for me in supporting me having a self-love filled day!

Intangible results: I feel less heavy physically and emotionally. I am not hard on myself when my day doesn’t go exactly as planned.

Past me: I tend to over analyze and rabbit hole into what ifs. Eventually ignoring it once it becomes overwhelming. This tends to keep me from taking action into next steps.

Impact: The 10:1:10 unshaming protocol has been so eye opening! Not only is it a great way to learn to start trusting my own body again, but it helps rewire the mind and body connection most of us have lost due to living in a capitalist society. I will use this protocol often specifically during times of resistance." -Vee
"This program has been super influential for me. It has led me to discover new ways of being and tap into new relationship levels by setting boundaries and being in touch with my highest self. 

This is different than other programs in the past because it combines neurological reprogramming with action steps and coaching all at the same time. 

I have definitely leaned out a bit and shedded some of my trauma shame as well. 

I would say to anyone thinking about the program that’s it’s a must do to unlock your potential and release layers that don’t serve you currently! 

It allows you to tap into emotions and see how past shame stories have impacted you and your results. Without this work it is hard to move forward and get the results you want!

The 10:1:10 protocol is brilliant and novel and I will be using it going forward!

Thank you Emily ✨" -Melissa
"The things I have learned within these last 6 weeks are things I will use forever. 

Physical changes that I can see while looking in the mirror are eye opening. I stand up straighter with my head high. My stomach is flatter and my muscles are visibly growing. My hair is healthy, blonde and growing like crazy. I can finally notice that I am beautiful and I can confidently say I love how I look and love who I am. 

Mental changes that I can’t see but I can feel in my heart and mind are the ones that have me the most blown away. I truly didn’t expect my mental health to grow so much in just 6 weeks. I’m not ashamed to admit that I want a donut, or that I really don’t want to go to the gym some days. I can justify my feelings, my thoughts, and I can stand by them full heartedly. I have learned that my feelings are true/real and not just “because I’m an emotional young woman”. I trust myself to be alone with my thoughts. 

I use to hide in oversized clothes, or I would deny myself outfits that “only skinny girls can wear”. I use to bottle up my feelings because I didn’t know how to handle them. I would walk with my head down and shoulders rolled forward, I had little confidence and it showed. Now I wear what I want, I wear clothes that show my figure a bit. I now know that I can trust myself to handle my emotions and that it won’t break me if I allow myself to feel things fully. I walk with my head up and I am proud to be who I am. 

I know I am just someone in a post but please take a moment to hear me out on why you should take these 6 weeks for yourself. 
You deserve to do this for you. You deserve to feel this proudness, this confidence, and you deserve this knowledge. Emily can help you with achieving this and more! Emily has made this available to anyone who is willing to learn, and if you found her, you are the one willing to learn. Do this for you, do this for the current you, the past you, do this for the you in the future. 

You deserve to join this program." -Maddie
"Phenomenal. Mind blowing. Awesome. The list is endless for how I feel about Em's Unshaming Fitness Program. Not only did this help me on my fitness journey, but it helped with my mental health and relationships with people I care about.

The [10:1:10] protocol helped me figure out an amazing amount of information about myself and figure out some of the reasons behind my anxiety and depression. Tack on the fact that I was recently told I have ADHD and my mind has been going none stop, but with this program, I was able to feel seen and understood.

The ladies part of my group along side Em helped me feel safe in a no judgement zone, and I ended up having SO many epiphanies about myself. My therapist is absolutely thrilled that I've made so much progress after the 6 weeks I was a part of it.

And what about the fitness side of it all? I now am more consistent with cooking for myself and working out 4-5 times a week without it feeling like a chore to do it. I actually wanna do these improvements for me.

So if any of this sounds like a change you wanna make? Then, take on the challenge and do it!" -Andy
"This program has been truly life changing for me. 
I’ve become more unapologetic and I’m no longer afraid to take up space. 

This program allowed me to let go of nearly everything that has ever held me back on my fitness journey. 

I’ve learned to love myself and believe in myself. I have the knowledge of how to speak to my higher self and ask her for guidance. I intentionally maintained my weight during this program and it was effortless with no tracking, simply learning about my body and what it’s trying to say to me while I healed my relationship with food. I’m now ready to take what is mine 💪🏻 I’ve always been pushing myself and beating myself up for not reaching my goals, only to realize I’ve really just been bullying myself. Now I can do things out of love, no matter what goal I choose. I would recommend anyone feeling stuck or ashamed of themselves do this program!

The 10:1:10 protocol for narrowing down where resistance is coming from and how to shift that thought can be used for SO many things; it’s invaluable!

Pursuing my goals has gone from nearly impossible to being a breeze." -Tiffani
"I went from never asking my husband for help cleaning the house or cooking to asking him to help almost daily to help lighten my load. I’d always been too ashamed (I’m a woman, I should keep the house etc). Now we are a team 💪🏻

In fitness, I’ve gone from always sucking in my stomach for others my WHOLE LIFE to letting her just be, as she is ❤️ this was something I didn’t even realize I was doing and was ashamed of. 

I also have gone from an all or nothing mindset with tracking (taking a free day if I ate something high calorie and running with it the whole rest of the day, shoveling as much as possible) to deciding I am just a person and I can make tracking work with my life (if I want. I’m moving to mindful eating after 3 years of macros!). 

I recognize walks as somewhat meditative at this point instead of a way to get my steps in. Now I’ll go for walks regardless of my step count and just take in the nature. Things that were once chores are now integrated seamlessly into my life."

And the list goes on...

What is the 10:1:10 Unshaming Resistance Protocol?

What IS shame?

Shame is the voice in our heads that asks “what’s wrong with me?!” … instead of “what happened to me?”

The voice that says "“Don’t trust your experiences! Don’t trust your emotions!” 

WHY do we think this way?

Because somewhere in our lives we have all had people in our lives who denied & dismissed our experiences & emotions.

Even if no harm was meant.

The shame got internalized.

"Don't cry, just calm down. Be quiet. Fit in."

We're inundated with messages like this from birth.

And then when it comes to fitness: 
😤Don't be lazy, just go to the gym!
🙄You shouldn't be anxious to go to the gym.
😩You messed up this week.
🤬Stop eating that JUNK!
💪🏻You'll never reach your goals with that attitude.
😳You need to "fix" your mindset.
😟Well when *I* was at your place *I* didn't have a problem with xyz.
🙃Throw out the peanut butter if you have a problem with it!

All of these statements can create shame. 

The voice in our heads that says we're not good enough. That we're lazy.

Shame causes us to believe that we're broken. That we need a fix from someone: a coach, a pill, a program.

UNSHAMING involves: 

NOT viewing you, your weight, your emotions as problems. 
Helping you to trust yourself & co creating solutions with you instead of just writing you a prescription. 
& helping you to view your body as deeply intelligent. 

So how does shame affect our fitness journey?

1. Shame causes us not to trust ourselves. All of these shame thoughts tend to imply “something is wrong with you.” SO we look outside of ourselves for answers & we don’t believe our own feelings, our own intuitions, our own intelligence.

Which when it comes to fitness... and learning to trust your body when it comes to food... self trust is a must.

2. Shame drives us to fix ourselves… (because shame tells us that we're broken) but the more fixes you get from outside of yourself the more you confirm the belief that you can’t trust yourself

Unshaming involves learning to trust your body & emotions again... to trust the answers within.

3. Shame causes us to fail to protect ourselves. This is where we get thoughts of “maybe I just misunderstood them. Just suck it up. It’s not that big of a deal!” Instead of saying “this person or this program is hurting me…" we ask ourselves “why am I so sensitive/lazy. What’s wrong with me?

Unshaming involves being able to speak up & set boundaries to protect ourselves & our energy... to release the self gaslighting!

The 6 pillars of this course:

Unshaming YOUR story

From the yo-yoing to the before pictures... ALL parts of your journey are worthy. We will be releasing shame around perceived failures to share our before pictures & ups & downs proudly--because they made us who we are today. We will also discuss the potential impacts of trauma, people pleasing, & bullying on our fitness journeys.

Discussing food + diet stories

Learn how to talk about food, weight loss, weight gain, & dieting in ways to minimize the impact of shame on others around you. How to discuss sensitive nutrition topics in ways to support healthy relationships with food & go over the impact of diet culture on our psyches. We will go over navigating the pressure to always be dieting & how to find peace at maintenance or with mindful eating

Repattern the brain for self love over shame

Shame is partially fueled by the incessant inner critic that lives in our head rent free. Week after week we will be actively working to replace the critic with self love & desire for our goals. Mid week prompts & homework will actively focus on noticing & shifting the inner critic.

Release people pleasing

At the root of diet culture & the pressure to be smaller is people pleasing. At the end of the day, your fitness journey should be for YOU, but if you're on this journey to try to "fit in" self sabotage will creep in. We'll discuss how to feel safe releasing people pleasing by building up our own internal sense of self worth each & every week.

Learn how to ask questions, LISTEN & WITNESS others

A vital aspect of unshaming is having a compassionate witness to our stories. When your clients or friends confide in you that "they feel fat/ugly/insert your adjective here" throwing out a "Oh but you shouldn't say that about yourself," actually just creates more shame. Learn how to compassionately ask questions for deeper understanding (especially when it comes to people struggling to follow protocols!) listen, & witness others.

Boundary setting

Here's the thing: you know you should set boundaries. You logically know how, but when it comes to implementation you might be a little lost... because we were raised not to have boundaries. We'll dive in deep to somatically experience when precisely in our lives our bodies show us to set boundaries & release any shame we might feel around setting them. Your fitness journey will go so much smoother with boundaries in place around your time, food choices, & energy.

How do you know if this program is right for you?

This program is for you if...

You're an ACTION TAKER & are committed to participating in the program to get the best results possible

You want to step into your power by releasing the inner critic that keeps up a constant barrage of "too much, not good enough, you're going to fail" whether in fitness, your career, your family/partnerships, & other areas of your life.

You're ready to make an impact on the world whether you're a teacher, entrepreneur, corporate climber, coach, influencer, writer, actor, you name it. You're ready for your voice to matter so you can make the impact on the world you dream of.

You're ready to finally feel DEEP love & compassion for yourself as a human. To know you are intrinsically worthy of love, success, happiness, & fulfillment.

You desire to know & connect to yourself & your body beyond just skin deep. To view your emotions as intelligent, not as something to hide, shove down, or fix.

You want to have a set of tools you can pass on to your own friends/family/clients that will support you your entire life

Or you’re a fitness coach who:

Desires to feel PROUD of where your own fitness journey started & confidently share your before pictures with your audience 

Learn the skill sets to help yourself + your clients love what they see in the mirror... no matter what phase you're in

Seeks a wider tool set to help clients move past emotional eating + self sabotage

Wants to know how to market weight loss coaching in a more conscious way that doesn't ADD to diet culture, & coach in a way that helps ease the societal burden of diet culture on yourself & your clients 

Desires to confidently set boundaries with clients... just like you tell them to do for themselves 🤪

This program is NOT for you if...

You just want an easy fix to lose weight

You don't believe your body is intelligent

You're codependent & just want someone to tell you what to do

UNSHAMING FITNESS IS CURRENTLY INDEFINITELY POSTPONED. Please look into the full Warrior Goddess Transformation Program for the highest + best results:

This program runs for 8 weeks & it includes...

✨8, 90 minute weekly calls with replays available 
($2400 value)
✨Unshaming Step by Step Thought Tracker for Unshaming general thoughts, food, boundary setting + more 
($200 value)
✨Weekly journal prompts & daily action steps to re-pattern your brain
($400 value)
✨Specific meditations & rituals for self love & releasing people pleasing
($200 value)
✨LIVE practice on calls for question asking, compassionate listening, & boundary setting 
($200 value)
✨8 weeks of group text support
($400 value)
✨Voice message responses to questions between calls
($200 value)
✨Multiple opportunities each week to practice unshaming + being witnessed (priceless!)

BONUS: Subconscious Rewiring Session

Want a sneak peek of UNShaming?

Grab the replay of the free workshop on Unshaming Emotional Eating + Self Sabotage here:

Frequently Asked Questions:

What if I can't come to the calls?

What if I already have a coach?

Are nutrition or workout plans included?

What if I'm a coach myself?

Hear about Melissa's experience in Unshaming Fitness:


Unshaming Fitness 

8 week program

✨Weekly group calls 
✨Replays available for the duration of the program
✨Group text support with in depth voice message responses to questions
✨Bonus meditations & rituals for self love

Item Price
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