What if you could receive the exact support & guidance you need at ANY moment?

Once upon a time there was a witch with pink hair...

Who was dating her Prince Charming.
Had a 6 figure fitness coaching business.
Had the body, the abs, the Instagram.

So why did she feel so depressed?

What was wrong with her? She wondered.

Get back to your magic, her guides had whispered to her.

Archangel Raziel... the angel of esoteric knowledge, who to her seemed like a stern college professor.
Hecate, goddess of witches... who'd seemingly led her to The Morrigan... the scariest looking dark goddess the little witch had ever seen!

So back to her magic she went...

Asked her guides one day... "How can I be happy again?"

And The Morrigan whispered... "Get back to writing."

Writing? Writing wasn't logical. She was a fitness coach. 
Didn't have time to go back to the fantasy novels she'd drafted years prior.

The Morrigan continued to urge her... so the girl listened.

Looked up writing coaches.
Found one coach who'd promised she could write a book for her business--how logical! And that coach had JUST published a book--she bought it right away.
It was filled with stories of rags to riches women rising to power despite it all.

"That woman--look her up," her guides told her, after reading a chapter about a unicorn bartender turned millionaire after abusive relationships & trauma.

She followed her guides again.

The unicorn coach was incredible! The little witch hired her.

And in this new coaches program she learned so MUCH about Narcissistic Abusive Marketing tactics--which the girl did NOT want to use in her social media--she was so excited telling her Prince Charming about it all.

Except... some of the things Prince Charming was doing... suddenly seemed to ring a different bell.
An alarm bell.

The little witch cried & cried & cried... and The Morrigan reminded her that she was just as much of a war goddess too. That she was neither weak nor broken. And that she did not diminish her voice.

But every time the little witch spoke up things got worse!

The unicorn coach helped her to soothe her emotions... & she spoke up again... halfway getting out.

And then she found out her Prince Charming had Narcissistic Personality Disorder & had been abusing her too.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier??" She demanded of The Morrigan.

"Would you have listened?"

The girl was quiet...

"I led you to the exact person who could help you the most."

And that day the girl swore that she would never hide or dim her magic for anyone ever again. 

Hi, I'm Emily

Once I was just a normal online fitness coach--after bawling my face off in 5th grade realizing I'd never get my Hogwarts letter I became aggressively atheist. SCIENCE OVER EVERYTHING. ...while being secretly obsessed with tarot & all things witchy.

If it wasn't logical. It wasn't real... no matter how much my heart wanted it to be. That was the way the world worked after all.

Depression & binge eating brought me back to witchcraft. When I did an online power animal retrieval I'd wondered if I made it all up. Was I crazy? Did I just PICK a guide that sounded cool?

The above story is what had me go "all in" on my magic & my guides. Started coaching my magical mindset program for fitness, teaching people how to grow their intuitions & connections to their bodies, how to incorporate rituals & magic to reach their health goals... while researching the shit out of quantum physics, channeling, deep psychology, the subconscious mind, and all the "science" that's been catching up to witchy practices.

My guides helped me to get out of my abusive relationship.
My guides have given me precise moves to make in my business (like teaching this mini course!)
And my guides remind me to drink my water & take care of my health even when life gets hectic & crazy.

The truth is... a spiritual journey can be lonely.

Don't know where I would be without my guides reminding me of my mission & the impact I'm here to make on this Earth.

Which is why I'm so proud to be teaching the exact course I wish I'd had... with all the community aspects to ask questions & seek reassurance when it comes to working with guides. 

So that YOU can get the exact guidance YOU need... without needing a guru or coven to tell you what to do 😉

Spirit Guides + Deity Work 101

for fitness

In this 4 week mini course you will...

➡️ Be guided through journeys to find your guides or deities

➡️ Learn how to communicate with them

➡️ Learn how to make practical offerings

➡️Release fears & self judgement & thoughts of “what if I’m making it up!

➡️ Strengthen your clairs & psychic senses 

➡️Learn how to ask specific questions to receive guidance when it comes to you reaching your health, career, business, or relationship goals

➡️ Receive community support & guidance throughout the program


These strategies will work for you even if: 

✨you've never worked with a guide before
✨you've never had ANY psychic or intuitive training
✨you worry you're NOT magical or psychic at all
✨you feel like its not possible for you
✨you have fears around guides

This mini course includes everything you need to know about how to start working with guides in a practical way...

To help you reach your fitness & life goals

Which isn't something that's taught... anywhere else.

Okay... but how is this apply to "real life" results?

➡️ Working with my guides Emily has received clear guidance around programs in her business to launch & received guidance on marketing.

➡️ The Morrigan helped her to take the steps to getting out of an abusive relationship. 

➡️ Her guides remind her to take care of herself with health, nutrition, & fitness even when life gets busy & her ADHD ass forgets to drink water

➡️ They remind her of my mission & what her impact goals are… even while facing toxic gym culture & days where she was scared to go to the gym. 

➡️Her guides continue to remind her to stay strong & continue to show up as her true self… as opposed to going back to who she used to be… someone who made herself smaller for others & hid her gifts away 

See client results with their guides:

"When Emily announced she was doing a spirit guides and deities mini-course, my little queer, mythology obsessed little heart skipped SEVERAL beats. I had signed up before I even knew I was doing it and was the physical embodiment on the futurama take my money meme. 

Honestly, I had zero reference for what I could reasonably expect to get out of this myself, but between getting the opportunity to see if maybe I had a deity wanting to work with me and knowing just how amazing all of Emily’s other programs have been for me, I knew I had to do it regardless of how little (read: NONE AT ALL) time I had to dedicate to this. 

Let me tell you: not disappointed in the least.

 I came into this program expecting… ok I’ll be honest I was expecting basically a witchy BuzzFeed quiz because I love those things more than life itself and doing things like that to determine what entities want to work with me feels much safer than actually reaching out and risking rejection if no one actually wanted to work with me. 

Instead, what I got was a four-week master course in not only accessing my power animals (I have TWO!!) and deities (ALSO TWO!), but in how to see magic in the small every day things, how to apply the lessons my guides taught me, how to see even the smallest of accomplishments as a huge win with ripple effects, and so much more.

 I went into this program with so many tools from Unshaming fitness and the Warrior Goddess program, but I still had trouble keeping everything together with those and work and school and family and and and. I still went through cycles of overwhelm that I had to beat back with Lucille the bat they were so bad. 

After the course? I can find the time to take just fifteen minutes to do some automatic writing and get guidance on how to prevent that burnout or that overwhelm. I’m meal prepping again after giving up on it for a month. 

I lost another pound after having been maintaining only. I started walking my dog for a mile in the morning (great for both of us!) and I take the time to appreciate the nature around me instead of jumping on my work e-mail OUTSIDE OF WORKING HOURS WHICH I WASN’T GETTING PAID FOR. And those are just the visible wins. The wins behind the wins are that I’ve learned I’m worth taking care of – both by myself and others, I can set can keep my boundaries with myself and others without the sky falling, I learned that I can keep coming back to center every time I stumble and it’s not just ok – it’s GOOD. 

 This program is more than just a fun and interesting little mini-course. It’s a stepping stone to a major life overhaul. I’m not the work obsessed, self-ignoring, cover everything up with laughter, nose to the grindstone until my face has been rubbed down to the skull girl I was before. I still get everything done. I even go above and beyond, but this course has allowed me to find my way to structure that works for me and has allowed me to find knowledge, both from m guides and within that I never could have accessed without it." -Kayla

What's on the schedule?

Week One:

➡️ Jumping straight in with a guided journey to find your Power Animal + safety & intuition building activities


Week Two:

➡️ Deconstructing any fears & shame around communicating with spirit guides + the psychological benefits of having spirit guides
➡️ All about offerings & altars
➡️ Guided journey to the upper world to meet another guide/deity


Week Three:

➡️ What to do when the thought of... "What if it's all fake?!" creeps in, the science of channeling
➡️ Guided automatic writing activity to communicate with your guides


Week Four:

➡️ Integrating Guides with your daily life & how to have them assist you with fitness, career, & relationship goals
➡️ Guided journey to the lower world to release things that have been holding you back from your goals

And yes...

Replays will be available ❤️

Listen to what Melissa had to say about her experience finding her guides in The Warrior Goddess Transformation Program:


What's all included?

➡️ 4, 90 minute Group Calls ($1200 value)

➡️ 4 different guided journeys & practices to help you meet & communicate with guides ($100 value)

➡️ Tools to help you grow your clairs & psychic abilities ($100 value)

➡️ 4 weeks of group text support for questions + community ($200 value)

➡️ Actionable steps & homework between calls to help you grow your gifts & your connections with your guides ($200 value)

Total value: $1800

Your investment: $297

Spirit guides + Deity work 101 for your fitness journey
You will receive:
-4 weeks of recording coaching calls
-Weekly intuition building homework
-Guided Power Animal Retrieval
-Deity Work 101 for fitness
-Guided Journey to the Lower World to become your next level self
-Group Text Support for questions

ALL RECORDINGS if you can't attend live for the duration of the course
Or 2 payments of $175 2 weeks apart
Get Your ticket now:
2 payments of $175
Credit Card Number:
CVC Code:
Expiry Month:
Expiry Year:
Dynamically Updated


What if I can't attend the calls live?

All of the calls will be recorded & instantly available for you to watch.

What if I already have guides & deities?

EPIC! So excited to hear all about them. Emily's clients in her Warrior Goddess Transformation Program (her main magical fitness & mindset program) work with guides ranging from Santa Muerte, Odin, Freya, Jesus, Angels + more

What if I have ZERO experience with guides?

Not to worry! Emily has lots of experience guiding clients on their first journeys to meet guides. This program is very beginner friendly & you'll have all of the group text & community support for any questions that pop up.
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